Presidential Candidate Rick Tompkins - The Dark Side Mr. Tall SkeletonMr. Tall Skeleton2

Rick Tompkin's Skeleton Closet

Picture of Rick Tompkins

We'll be the first to admit we don't know that much about the Libertarian candidates, so if you have significant material (hopefully with documentation) please click here and send it to us. Click on the allegation of your choice:

Campaign Manager's Lawsuit -- Character -- Sources

Campaign Manager's Lawsuit

Tamara Clark, Tompkin's campaign manager, and the Arizona LP filed a lawsuit concerning the Arizona primary. Apparently Ms. Clark was also accused of misusing Libertarian National Committee money, and was censured by the committee as a result. We don't know anything else about this, except that it's controversial and Browne supporters have attacked Tompkins for it. (Libertarian primaries seem yet nastier than the Republicans' and Democrats'.) I'm sure someone will fill us in soon; PLEASE cite something published or on the web that we can cite as a source.


The most striking fact about Tompkins is that, of 15 or so baby boom aged candidates for President, he is the ONLY ONE who fought in Vietnam. (Bob Dole fought in Italy in WW2; Bob Dornan and Richard Lugar served in peacetime, and Dornan went to Vietnam as a news photographer.)


Email to the LPUS Echo mailing list, February 25, 1996

BACK TO SKELETON CLOSET - scandals of other presidential candidates

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Copyright 1996 Real People For Real Change PAC